Aceh So Terrorists Target Base Southeast Asia, Jakarta: The situation in Aceh is beginning to recover from konlik, was exploited by terrorists to build a power base. Unmitigated, Aceh will even be a terrorist operational base in Southeast Asia.

This statement expressed the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, in Jakarta on Tuesday (9 / 3). "The intelligence has detected that they will build a base of terrorists in Southeast Asia, but new actions taken can be done now," Irwandi said in a press conference at the Hotel Borobudur Jakarta.

According to Irwandi, the members of the terrorist group was originally recruited and trained at a place on the island of Java, for deployment to conflict areas in the Gaza Strip, the Middle East. But they failed to leave because the conflict is over. Some of them later taken by these terrorist groups.

"Eight people from Aceh were taken over by organization X and further trained in Java. This is the first movement of their members to Aceh," said Irwandi, adding that the activities of the terrorists were still in training, there has been no bombing action.

Irwandi also emphasized that this group has nothing to do with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the military, although in some places in the area of terrorist activities in Aceh were found military uniforms.

He acknowledged the lack of security in coastal areas of Aceh, the terrorist group that used to smuggle weapons. (MLA)

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