Menkop Wants SME Bangkrutkan Minimarket
JAKARTA, - Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop) Sjarifuddin Hasan, refuted the claim that the mini into the causes and triggers of bankruptcy SMEs. "Not true, the mini is also a good thing," said Hasan Sjarifuddin, in Jakarta, Friday (16/4/2010).
According Menkop, mini or other modern markets will not adversely affect surrounding SMEs when local governments comply with zoning rules and the distance between the two locations.
He added, either traditional stalls minimarket and basically have their own segment. "Each had a segment need not worry so long as governments comply with the rules made by the central government," he said.
The Government has set in such a way as to mini and small businesses without a mutually constructive deadly one another.
Menkop it argues, the presence of a minimarket in one area will stimulate economic growth in surrounding communities. "The mini will absorb the labor force and stimulate economic growth in the surrounding environment," he said.
It also has a cooperative development program that is based minimarket Smescomart which has been running since several years ago.