MISSING TWO South Korean climbers in the Himalayas

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Seoul (AFP)
Two climbers from South Korea (ROK) is lost in the Himalayas, Nepal, and four others were hospitalized because of an accident due to bad weather, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.
The delegation led by mountaineer Hong-Bin Kim was having trouble on April 24 while climbing Annapurna, said a ministry official told AFP, adding that further details are not given.
The accident happened on the same day when climbers South Korea Oh Eun-Sun suspend his efforts to conquer Annapura because of bad weather. Kim said the ministry team of six climbers were not contacted Oh.
Oh (44) is trying to become the first woman to conquer the 14 highest peaks in the world.
He originally planned to make a last attempt to conquer the 8091-meter-high mountain last week, but decided to postpone it until Tuesday because of bad weather, said the Expedition Coordinator Heak Kwoung Song told AFP Saturday.
"A lot of wind and snow. He will be trying to climb to the summit on 27 April, "said organizer climbing in Kathmandu. "The weather was very bad."
Annapura very dangerous because technically difficult and easy snow avalanche, and has a mortality rate far higher than Everest, the highest peak in the world. (Ant / The AFP / n)

Stocks Indosiar Disuspen

Stocks Indosiar Disuspen

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia Stock Exchange suspended the decision finally established or suspension of trading in shares of PT Indosiar Karya Media Tbk (IDKM), because there have been increasing prices is not fair, so get into the shares of "unusual market activity."

Head of Control Transaction IDX, Hamdi Hassyarbaini in Jakarta Tuesday, said IDX need to pause IDKM stock trading in the regular market and cash in order to `` cooling down starting from 27 April 2010 trade.

He added that the stock price has moved IDKM not fair because there is an increase cumulatively amounted to Rp177 (143.9 percent) closing price of 16 April 2010 at the level of Rp123 to Rp300 in the closing 26 April 2010.

Earlier rumors IDKM shares will be purchased conglomerate owner Chairul Tanjung Trans TV, triggering an increase IDKM the stock price.

Chairul Tanjung said last week there has been no talks with Indosiar, but did not rule out if there is another TV station that wanted to join Trans TV.

Director of Supervision IDX, Urip Budhi Prasetyo said it still wants a detailed explanation of the related increase in stock price IDKM and convey to the public.

He thinks the stock price increases IDKM tremendously, so that investors know what happened exactly with those IDKM.

Subsidized fuel quota of 40.1 million kiloliters proposed

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Jakarta (SIB)
The government proposed a quota of oil fuel (BBM) subsidy in the Budget Amendment in 2010 amounted to 40.1 million kiloliters, or 10 percent higher than the 2010 state budget amounted to 36.5 million kiloliters.
Head of Downstream Regulatory Body for Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) Tubagus Haryono in a meeting with the House Commission VII here on Monday, said the increase was mainly on the type of subsidized gasoline and diesel fuel.
"We estimate that there are 'over' quota of 10 percent on the type of subsidized gasoline and diesel, bringing total consumption to 40.1 million kiloliters," he said.
According to him, the increase in quotas was due to follow a predicted economic growth of 5.8 percent, growth in motor vehicles, and consumption of fishermen.
At Budget 2010, the quota of subsidized fuel for 36.5 million consisting of premium kiloliters 21.45 million kiloliters, 11.25 million kiloliters diesel, kerosene and 3.8 million kiloliters.
Tubagus said that in 2010, consumption of premium is expected to increase 23.2 million kiloliters, diesel fuel rose to 13.1 million kiloliters, and kerosene was still 3.8 million kiloliters.
According to him, consumption estimates were based on the realization of subsidized fuel consumption in the period from January to March 2010.
In the first three months of 2010, consumption of premium carrying 5.4 million kiloliters, or 10.64 percent higher than the same period a year ago and diesel 3 million kiloliters, or 9.55 percent higher than in 2009.
Moderate consumption of kerosene in January-March 2010 reached 668 thousand kiloliters or lower than the realization in 2009 of 1.391 million kiloliters. (Ant / m)

Bret Michaels Still In Critical Condition

Bret Michaels Still In Critical Condition

Four nights Bret Michaels has since admitted to hospital due to brain hemorrhage and was said until now the condition is still critical Bret. Doctors have not managed to find the cause of a cerebral hemorrhage suffered by Bret but a series of tests done and are still Bret expected conditions would improve in the next few days.

In an official statement released in Facebook's Bret Michaels Bret mentioned that in addition to a headache today also still unable to speak clearly while her vision was still blurred. "We are from Michaels Entertainment, thank you for prayers from all the fans. We Bret still hospitalized in the ICU in critical condition. He was in control for 24 hours. We hope the next test will be able to find the source of the bleeding that has not been found, "Bret Michaels wrote the management.

According to Splash News, the Poison frontman Bret sure if this will work through a critical period because during this time Bret is a tough guy. "As we know Bret never give up and we hope the time will heal Bret will be speaking fluently, and see clearly again and all will return to normal body functions," continued the management of Bret Michaels. (SPL / rock)

Ericsson profit slide

Helsinki, KOMPAS.com - Ericsson AB end the first quarter of this year with a record of poor performance. In that period, profit-making companies in the world's largest wireless network is down to 27 percent.

By the end of March 2010, Ericsson is only able to membukukuan profit of 1.26 billion kronor (175 million U.S. dollars). In fact, in a similar period last year, the company is headquartered in Stockholm successfully made a profit of 1.72 billion kronor.

Ericsson Chief Executive Officer Hans Vestberg states, the company earnings fell because of the global handset market conditions are still bad. "The market conditions are weak in the second half of 2009 we experienced also in the first quarter of this year," said Vestberg, Friday (04/23/2010).

Under these conditions, he added, a number of telecommunications operators in developing countries brakes on their investment. "Operators in emerging markets are still cautious to invest," he added.

If this condition does not get better, Vestberg ensure efficiency measures will be his company. Last January, has said Vestberg, Ericsson will do as much manpower reduction program 6500 people, is greater than initial estimates that only 5,000 people. (Cash / Herry Prasetyo)

Chief of Police: Will This Week Susno Status Defined

Chief of Police: Will This Week Susno Status Defined

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Meeting of National Police working with the new Parliament Law Commission ended Monday (26 / 4) night. A number of issues highlighted in the Board meeting which lasted from 09.00 hrs. The problem that so the spotlight among the Commission members, about Century Bank, National Police to institute reforms in the examination of former Police Komjen Kabareskrim Susno Duadji in the case of the mafia tax.

Susno related cases that have been inspected three times in the capacity as a witness, Police Chief Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri insists his side will soon establish its status in this weekend.

Previously a member of the Board also briefly highlights the realtor handling the tax scandal until Sjahril Djohan Gaius Tambunan. In response to the Chief of Police also state immediately announced a new suspect in this case [read: Police: Suspect Will Appear Eight New].

Currently Police Headquarters continued to examine law enforcement officers allegedly involved with the case of Gaius. Even Bareskrim has been pocketing the permission of the Attorney General and the Supreme Court to examine the law enforcers involved in the decision of the case. (IAN)

Determined at Meeting Hosts KONI

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com-Certainty who host the National Sports Week, PON-19 tahuh 2016 will be decided on KONI Member Meeting which will take place at the Peninsula Hotel in Jakarta, Tuesday-Wednesday (April 27 to 28, 2010).

According to the Vice Chairman of the Media Relations Bureau KONI Firmansyah Gindo, Monday (04/26/2010), there are two provinces will submit the house PON-19 epidemic in 2016, West Java and Banten. This will present the Second Provincial Meeting of Members of readiness on the symbol.

"Meeting the members will set one of the two Provinces that will host the PON-19 later," he said.

In addition, tomorrow's event will also discuss the sport and the number that will be held over the PON 18 years in 2012, and the changes and completion of the transfer of athletes.

In the field of organization, will also be discussed about the possibility of adding a new membership in KONI. In fact, it will also diperbicangkan, KONI reunification plan and KOI.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bidding Team candidates to host the PON-19 West Java, Amung Ma'mun, the release said optimistically West Java will be elected.

Amung Ma'mun, West Java, the Vice Chairman of Sports Committee, said that West Java is currently supporting the construction of various facilities of PON. "We do not want the incident four years ago failed, and this town has become the official host of the PON-18 in 2012," he said.

Assessed Misbakhun detention Wide

Assessed Misbakhun detention Wide

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Zainudin Lung, a lawyer member of the House of Representatives Commission VI M Misbakhun, assess the client's detention does not comply with the examination situation. According to Zainudin, almost all of these questions does not match the capacity as a commissioner at the company Misbakhun Selalang PT Prima International, which filed an L / C to the Century Bank.

"That's exactly the question to the board of directors," said Zainudin, Monday (26/04/2010) night. He said Misbakhun detained by the police investigator Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Agency cases related to filing the L / C to the Bank Century with documents that allegedly fictitious.

According to Zainudin, Misbakhun examination as a suspect actually has done since about 20:30 o'clock. However, when going home, the police told him to wait first. Later, then ahead of midnight, party Misbakhun given an arrest warrant signed by the Director II Bareskrim Brig (Pol) King Erizman. Misbakhun examined as a suspect the first time Monday (4/26/2010) since around 11:00 am with 58 questions.

Blimey ...! Alonso thumb appreciated 10 Million Euros

Blimey ...! Alonso thumb appreciated 10 Million Euros

LONDON, Kompas.com - Double world champion Fernando Alonso's two-thumbs insure 10 million euros worth of arms as a symbol of salvation and life insurance campaign ahead of the Spanish GP in Barcelona next week.

"Alonso is a symbolic thumbs are important in driving a Formula 1 car. They are a symbol of victory, but also a symbol that all is going well and protected," said Santander, a Spanish financial institution is the guarantor.

Alonso is world champion in 2005 and 2006 while still joining the Renault team. Now he joined the Ferrari team with pebalap Brazil's Felipe Massa. He hopes to win the first Grand Prix in Europe to increase the chances of reaching the world title. Alonso mejuarai series first race in Bahrain and is now ranked third in the kalsemen temporary.

"Now it's time to show who is likely champion and who is not. In Europe, the time has arrived for the determination of pebalap and teams to show who's the fastest." said Alonso.

Former Minister of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Arrested

Liputan6.com, Bishkek: Former Interior Minister Moldomusa Kongantiyev Kyrgyz security forces arrested the provisional government of Kyrgyzstan, on Monday (26 / 5). To the press, a military spokesman who did not want to be identified said Kongantiyev successfully extradited from Russia this weekend in a joint operation with the Russian Federal Security Service. However, security forces are reluctant to comment further about the cause of the arrest.

Kongantiyev arrest is the arrest of the highest figures since President Kurmanbek Bakiyev 7 April and was ousted in a clash between that killed at least 85 people were killed. Currently Bakiyev was still hiding in Belarus in order to request political asylum to President Alexander Lukashenko. However, the deposed former president is still challenging that he remain legitimate leader of Kyrgyzstan [read: Bakiyev: I'm Still President of Kyrgyzstan].

Cut Mini Storytelling For Children

Cut Mini Storytelling For Children

Cut Mini now has a new activity, read a fairy tale for children. According to his confession, Mimi has been undergoing a month of this profession as a radio announcer.

"This is a new activity for me now with my uncle Garry berdongeng in Female radio, actually has been one month. And I just dare to live right today, but had previously been twice, and I am still in the learning stage with Garry's uncle," Clearly, when Mimi at Pacific Place SCBD met in South Jakarta, Saturday (24 / 4).

Mimi interested in storytelling because of her interest in children's world. This is the first time the actress / model jump in professional radio announcer.

"I am interested in the world of children, according to my little boy has a thousand faces, and my life surrounded by children, nieces and nephews. So that's my uncle Garry ditawarin same, not without reason to reject me because I really liked the world of children. And I have never entered the world of this radio, a new experience for me. I'm sure I'll have a new science again in the future, "he said. (KPL / buj / actress)

Reject iron sand mining, Researcher Residents Hostage

Liputan6.com, Jember: Hundreds of villagers Paseban, Jember, East Java, rage at the sight of three researchers took samples of iron sand in their territories. Residents refuse to worry because the iron sand mining would damage the environment.

The citizens of a third hostage researchers then derived from PT Indomern Mainame Prosperous and banish the presence of police. People were not afraid to hear the warning shots, and asked the patrol car immediately leave the local village office.

Not content to channel the anger, the mob set fire to a bamboo and plywood used. While some residents of three researchers who maintain their hostages in the village office. One of the three hostages are from Canada.

According to residents, they had long rejected the iron sand mining plan. But rejection is not ignored until the anger residents reached its peak. Residents insist the third menyandra researchers to be guaranteed to be no mining in the area.

Lucky the police finally intervened immediately and will bring together residents with the management of PT Sejahtera Indomern Mainame. (TEST / Job)

Sailing phone Touch Less Dominant

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Phones middle to upper class who sail touch not too enthusiastic welcome in the Indonesian market. According to General Manager Sales Axiata XL Handono Warih respond BlackBerry Storm2 entry plan in Indonesia.

"In addition to price factors, the majority of Indonesian consumers more fond and not familiar QWERTY phone on the touch screen," said Handono Warih. That is why, more Handono, the majority of distributors still rely on the BlackBerry Bold variants to target segments of the upper and Gemini variants to meet the demand for middle segment.

Storm expected entry of new generation will be less influence on the BlackBerry market in Indonesia. RIM itself ensure Storm2 will be available in the Indonesian market since end of April 2010. Storm2 or BlackBerry 9520 is a second generation of touch-screen BlackBerry phone. (Cash / Gentur Putro Teak)

Pick Nunun Planning Commission in Singapore

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: A spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Johan Budi said here on Monday (26 / 4), said the Commission remains committed to presenting Nunun Nurbaeti, case key witness given to specifications BI Senior Deputy Governor in 2004 ago, in the trial . According to Budi, the Commission has so far still exploring with the parties in Singapore to know the disease experienced severe forgetful Nunun [read: Four Times Nunun Always Called It Coming].

In addition, although the two defendants Dudhi Makmun Murod and Udju Djuhaeri has entered the process of prosecution, but the Commission would still take calls Nunun mechanism for the trial of two other defendants.

The plan, in the near future, the Commission will send a team of prosecutors to Singapore, and does not include the doctor to "second opinion". The invitation is intended Nunun to trial, because the KPK still want to pursue the mechanism for the defendant to present Nunun Endin Soefihara and Hamka Yamdu, considering the two other defendants have entered the process of prosecution, he said. (ARL / Job)

"Red Shirt" Discover Explosive Devices

Liputan6.com, Bangkok: Team "Red Shirt" find a tool of an alleged explosive device, near their headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, Monday (26 / 4) morning. The protesters were supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin finally summoned the bomb squad team from the Police of Thailand, to examine the findings.

Bomb found at a location 100 meters away from the barricades made of tires and bamboo protesters around the camp while they, exactly near the big intersection that led to the Commerce City area of Bangkok. While the bomb squad team from Thailand who came to secure the police suspicious objects, do not give much information.

Prior to Tuesday (25 / 4), before midnight, there was an explosion near the house of a leader of a political party allied with the coalition government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. A few days earlier, a series of grenade attacks also occurred near the headquarters while the "Red Shirt" in Bangkok, which caused one death and 86 others injured.

Total, already 26 people were killed and nearly a thousand other wounds or injuries, since the group "Red Shirt began to occupy the commercial center of Bangkok, one month ago. Thaksin supporters protest was aimed demanding the dissolution of parliament and early elections in Thailand. But the demand was rejected PM Abhisit Vejjajiva. Until now, a move the dialogue is still deadlocked, and no compromise between the camps "Red Shirt" with the government, which makes "Red Shirt" determined to continue to hold a rally. (ARL / Job)


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Jakarta (SIB)
Jakarta Police on Sunday seized a number of objects, which can be used as a weapon, from some union supporters Persija Jakarta football.
Description of the Traffic Management Center (TMC) Polda Metro Jaya, mentioning, among other objects in the form of sharp weapon belt laces, bamboo, and stone.
It was confiscated from some supporters Persija in some places, especially those who skipped the soccer team supporter in the fight against Persiba Balikpapan at the Bung Karno, Senayan.
A number of Metro Jaya Police officers continue to security and inspection to avoid unrest in those games.
Hundreds of supporters thronged Persija road, either on foot, on motorcycles, an increase of private vehicles or public transport.
Even some supporters in the region Persija Kalideres, West Jakarta, to stop the truck, which crossed. They then boarded the truck and asked for transfer to the Bung Karno.
Persija will be competing against Persiba Balikpapan in Indonesia Super League 2009/2010 event.
The match was held at the Bung Karno Stadium at 15:30 pm.
Persija was in the order of 11 standings with 37 digits, whereas Persiba ranks third with 50 points. (Ant / g)

WHO Chief Visit North Korea

WHO Chief Visit North Korea

Pyongyang (ANTARA News / Xinhua-Oana) - Director General of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, on Monday, arrived in the capital city of Pyongyang for an official visit to North Korea (Korea).

In the trip, Margaret Chan will visit some hospitals and health care institutions in the country.

According to government sources of North Korea, Chan is scheduled to end the visit on 28 April.

North Korea Wakit Health Minister, Li Bong Hun, welcomed the Director General Chan at Pyongyang airport. He welcomed Chan on behalf of the North Korea government.

Former WHO Director General Gro Harlem Brundtland visited the Communist state in 2001.

Former Minister of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Arrested

Liputan6.com, Bishkek: Former Interior Minister Moldomusa Kongantiyev Kyrgyz security forces arrested the provisional government of Kyrgyzstan, on Monday (26 / 5). To the press, a military spokesman who did not want to be identified said Kongantiyev successfully extradited from Russia this weekend in a joint operation with the Russian Federal Security Service. However, security forces are reluctant to comment further about the cause of the arrest.

Kongantiyev arrest is the arrest of the highest figures since President Kurmanbek Bakiyev 7 April and was ousted in a clash between that killed at least 85 people were killed. Currently Bakiyev was still hiding in Belarus in order to request political asylum to President Alexander Lukashenko. However, the deposed former president is still challenging that he remain legitimate leader of Kyrgyzstan [read: Bakiyev: I'm Still President of Kyrgyzstan].

Stress Not Passed examination, a student desperate Drinking Poison

Liputan6.com, Wonogiri: VIH initials of a private high school students in Wonogiri had rushed to the hospital Marga Husada by the victim's grandmother, in a state of unconsciousness because of drinking liquids room fragrances, Monday (26 / 4). Tukijo victim's uncle said his nephew was the action taken allegedly due to panic after she told him that the English value Indah below graduation standards.

Beautiful Tukijo asked me not to worry because they still have the opportunity to repeat the test on May 10 until May 18 next. Tukijo ask VIH focused learning English to pass the re-examination later. But unexpectedly VIH even tries to end his life. VIH own current condition has improved after a gastric drain the victim of medical teams.

Graduation announcements at several schools Wonogiri hysterical colored girls who fail to pass the national exam. One was in high school Pancasila first, some students even fainted and had to be rushed to the school health unit space or UKS, knowing fail the national exam. In high school, from 120 students, a total of 23 does not pass the exam. (IDS / Job)

Galodo, Residents Evacuated By Lake Maninjau

Liputan6.com, Agam: Around 600 families in Kampung Pandan Jorong or, Maninjau, Agam regency, West Sumatra, on Monday (26 / 4), were evacuated because their villages hit by landslide or galodo. Residents were evacuated by boat across Lake Maninjau because isolated road.

Ironically, the help of boats from the local government also has not been available so citizens took the initiative to assemble their own boats. Landslide material such as soil, rocks, and logs which hit Jorong Pandan on Sunday (25 / 4) night devastated about 30 houses.

Until Monday afternoon, the search for victims continues to be citizens galodo even with simple equipment. Heavy equipment could not be brought to the site because of both sides of the entrance landslides closed roads. Until now carrying seven people were injured and two others are still missing [read: Galodo lunge Maninjau].

Galodo that hit this area due to heavy rain which flushed since Sunday afternoon. This area is very prone to landslides, especially since the earthquake that shook Sumatra and 30 September 2009. As a result the hills in this lake sekililing become brittle. (TEST / Job)

Pick Nunun Planning Commission in Singapore

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: A spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Johan Budi said here on Monday (26 / 4), said the Commission remains committed to presenting Nunun Nurbaeti, case key witness given to specifications BI Senior Deputy Governor in 2004 ago, in the trial . According to Budi, the Commission has so far still exploring with the parties in Singapore to know the disease experienced severe forgetful Nunun [read: Four Times Nunun Always Called It Coming].

In addition, although the two defendants Dudhi Makmun Murod and Udju Djuhaeri has entered the process of prosecution, but the Commission would still take calls Nunun mechanism for the trial of two other defendants.

The plan, in the near future, the Commission will send a team of prosecutors to Singapore, and does not include the doctor to "second opinion". The invitation is intended Nunun to trial, because the KPK still want to pursue the mechanism for the defendant to present Nunun Endin Soefihara and Hamka Yamdu, considering the two other defendants have entered the process of prosecution, he said. (ARL / Job)

Government Will Shape National Innovation Commission

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: The government will form a National Innovation Commission (KIN). The Commission is tasked to build synergy between government, business, and academia to develop a National Innovation System (SINAS). In a written answer to the Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu said the question the House Commission VI, Monday (26 / 4), mentioned, the formation of KIN is the result of discussions in the working meeting between the Minister of Trade with Regional Head made a few weeks ago.

KIN agreed in the meeting also responsible for formulating the blueprint for a national innovation policy. Including strategic programs that are applied and the long-term research to improve Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market. The focus of the policy consists of five priority sectors. that is related to marine, agriculture, human resources, biotechnology, and renewable energy. "KIN also a set of three or four of the best innovations that have a broad impact that IPR protection and will get funding," said Minister Pangestu.

To spur innovation, the government encouraged the revitalization of the training centers throughout the province. In addition, there will be established an incentive system that allows players the business world or the state and other agencies for more synergy.

The government also plans to fund research and development can be counted as a cost that can be deducted from tax payments. In the end, the government hopes the emergence of a variety of innovations that improve the competitiveness of downstream manufacturing industries based on natural resources and labor-intensive industries, like textiles, shoes, and the creative industries. (Bog / Ant)

Tube Steam Exploded, One Killed

Liputan6.com, Bogor: One tube steam boiler in a kind of cottage industry Sari Kurma, Kampung Erpah, Eurih Sand Village, Taman Sari, Bogor Regency, West Java, Monday (26 / 4), exploded. A worker was killed and another seriously injured in this incident. The death toll is Sujiman Abdullah, a resident who lives in Ciomas Cilacap, Bogor. While the injuries named Basirun.

According to residents, the time of the incident resulted in a voice tight until the roof collapsed. This accident occurred when the victim will be steaming cider dates. Suddenly, tube type steam boilers exploded because there are palm-product gas mixture.

Though late, the police could conduct an investigation at the scene who have looked neat. One bottle contains the results of steamed dough palm juice police confiscated as evidence. (Bog)

Stock Watch IDX SMMT

Stock Watch IDX SMMT

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) was watching the movements of price and share transaction activity Eatertainment International Tbk (SMMT) in relation to the stock price increases out of the ordinary compared to the previous period.

BEI President Director Ito Warsito in the disclosure and Monday, said it was watching the stock price movement and has requested clarification from the company on April 19, 2010.

Ito appealed to investors looking at enterprise performance and information disclosure from the company. In addition memepertimbangkan SMMT back before investing in shares.

Iran-IAEA Nuclear Failed to Reach Agreement Subject

Liputan6.com, Vienna: Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency or the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), failed to make progress in discussions on the proposal of the IAEA regarding Iran's uranium exchange for nuclear fuel.

This news is sticking after Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met with IAEA head Yukiya Amano for more than two hours in Vienna on Sunday (25 / 4).

In his proposal, the IAEA and Western countries asked Iran to send low-grade uranium fuel to other countries, and in return Iran would accept a nuclear fuel in the form of a bar that is more difficult to be turned into nuclear weapons.

Mottaki and Amano failed to close the gap on the process of fuel deliveries to Iran.

This meeting took place while the UN Security Council is still discussing additional sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. (NHK / MLA)

It is feared Sorensen Absent in World Cup

It is feared Sorensen Absent in World Cup

London (ANTARA News / Reuters) - Danish goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen is feared missing at the upcoming World Cup tournament due to an elbow injury when the arm supporting the defeated Stoke City 0-7 over Chelsea in the English Premier League, Sunday.

Sorensen suffered an injury when colliding with Chelsea's Salomon Kalou, when Ivory Coast players had scored the second tally, which was taken to hospital.

"He suffered an elbow injury to his hand," said coach Tony Pulis Stoke told reporters.

"We hope the elbow bone to knit back and did not need surgery. When he had surgery so he had to struggle to be able to follow the World Cup tournament," he said.

Sorensen began his international game about 11 years ago and has competed internationally as much as 86 times.

He will be 34 years old on June 12, two days before the Danes started the Group E game against Holland in the World Cup.

Slash intend to Club Invite Justin Bieber Stripptease

Slash intend to Club Invite Justin Bieber Stripptease

Former Guns N 'Roses guitarist, Slash apparently intends to make Justin Bieber grown faster than their age. Both these musicians seem to be friends since they started together to do a flight from Tokyo to Austrlia some time ago.

The rocker reveals he's a waste of time to invite the 16-year-old singer is a decent. Slash makes a joke by writing a Tweet if he would invite to the club stripptease Bieber. In one of his Tweet, Slash writes that perhaps he could invite Bieber and his wife to dinner and to the stripper bar. He said a lot of good clubs for men in Australia.

But apparently it was just a joke, Bieber looking to have fun with playing football on the beach Whale Beach, Sydney. The Canadian singer is currently promoting her new album in Australia. (SPL / actress)

Passed Exam, Hundreds of High School Students Convoys

Passed Exam, Hundreds of High School Students Convoys

Liputan6.com, Surabaya: On the day of graduation announcement of the National Exam, Monday (26 / 4), hundreds of high school students in Surabaya, East Java, in convoy down the road. The students also expressed delight with scrawling their uniforms.

By riding a motorcycle, a convoy of the students are also several times to stop and close the highway. It resulted in traffic congestion in several sections of highway Surabaya. To anticipate the things that are not desirable, police on alert in a number of road points. Although students are always advised not to convoy during graduation, high school students always do it every year. (TEST / Job)

Federal International to Pay USD $ 5.39 Billion Bond Interest

Federal International to Pay USD $ 5.39 Billion Bond Interest

Jakarta (ANTARA) - four-wheeled vehicle financing company PT Komatsu Astra Finance (ASF), Monday, has made three interest payments from MTN (Medium Term Notes), ASF I in 2009 series A.

Director of ASF, Hugeng Gozali the disclosure Monday said the bond interest payments worth USD 5.39 billion made today by the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI).

ASF is a finance company for four-wheeled vehicles, most of its shares controlled by PT Astra International Tbk.

Respiratory Ramdan Tools Released

Second day post-operative liver transplant patients billier atresia, Ramdan Aldil Saputra (3.5) apart from respiration or respirator tool and has been drinking milk 5 cc. The function of the transplanted liver from his mother, Sulistiyowati is working properly.

"In a further development well and was separated from the respirator. Function livernya already showing good work and had 5 cc of milk," said one doctor dr Soetomo anesthesia, Dr. Zeus Hanindito Span KIC Elly told reporters in Building Integrated Surgical Center (GBPT) floor III, Monday (26/04/2010).

Although the liver and its development work fine, but team doctors are still ketar-ketir danger of infection and bleeding up to 7 days. When that happens, then the threat of a new liver transplant was no rejection. "But so far shown positive results and a good response," he asserted.

To this day, the father of Ramdan, Bambang Sutondo Winarto (52) villagers / Sub Gandusari, Trenggalek not allowed to see her up close. This is done to see to avoid the occurrence of infection.

While the development of his mother, Sulistiyowati (43) either. Besides been able to eat porridge, livernya organs work well and the scar is still in operation and maintenance requires a long time to heal. "Just between patients and donors in the strict monitoring team of doctors," he added.

Business Trillion Loss Rp6 Pertamina fuel Subsidized

Business Trillion Loss Rp6 Pertamina fuel Subsidized

Jakarta (ANTARA) - PT Pertamina (Persero) revealed, the business of distribution of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy in 2009 suffered a loss to Rp6 trillion.

Pertamina President Karen Agustiawan in a meeting with the House Commission VII here on Monday, said the biggest losses occurred in the first half of 2009 and reached Rp5, 9 trillion.

"In the first half of 2009 it assumed the alpha (distribution costs and margins distribution of subsidized fuel) used was eight percent," he said.

The rest, he added, occurred in the second half of 2009 which alphanya set at Rp536 per liter. "Alpha Rp536 per liter was not applied retroactively at the beginning of the year," he said.

Karen continued, the budget amendment in 2010, it proposed a scale alpha of Rp656 per liter.

According to him, the amount of alpha is already including a margin of Rp100 per liter.

Quantities of alpha is also the assumption by Pertamina in 2010 net profit of Rp25 trillion and Indonesian oil price 77 U.S. dollars per barrel.

Liver transplant is delayed More USD 2 Billion

Liver transplant is delayed More USD 2 Billion

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - the liver transplant team of doctors to Ramdan Aidil Saputra (3.5) in dr Soetomo, Surabaya, Saturday (24/04/2010) recognizes, the operation runs more slowly than scheduled.

The doctor stated that they should be extra careful so that no errors in the operation which cost about USD 2 billion and the first time in Surabaya. A team member, Vicky Sumarki, said there were a lot of network veins and arteries in the heart of Ramdan and donors. The doctor took a long time to decide which parts will be cut.

"Must be exactly cut because the later parts of it will be used again," says Vicky. The operation was originally scheduled to finish at 15.00. However, until 18:20 o'clock, the team still finished grafting the donor tissue vascular network with a network of blood vessels in the body of Ramdan.

"From now on, it might take about two hours longer to complete the operation," he said. The team is currently connecting arteries. After that, the team will connect to the biliary tract and proceed with closing the abdomen.

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