Afghan Bomb Kills Two NATO Soldiers, Kabul: Bomb attacks killed two soldiers of the North Atlantic defense alliance NATO in Afghanistan on Tuesday (11 / 5), the army said. It makes 189 the number of deaths of foreign soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year. The two NATO soldiers, one of them British soldiers, killed in separate attacks.

In accordance with its policy, Foreign Security Assistance Force (ISAF) led NATO did not disclose the nationality that recent victims. Most of those killed were U.S. soldiers, because the superpower is the largest contributor than 130,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan.

The number of foreign troops will culminate penempur Taliban fighters to 150,000 people in August, when the war intensified, concentrated in the provinces of Helmand and the neighboring stronghold, Kandahar, southern Afghanistan. In 2009, 520 foreign soldiers have lost their lives in the violence, making it the deadliest year since the Taliban were overthrown.

Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan since 1996, waged a fight since ousted from power in that country by the United States-led invasion in 2001. The Taliban refused to hand over Osama Bin Ladin Alqaida leaders, who accused awab responsible for the attacks in the region's superpower, which killed about 3,000 people on September 11, 2001. (Ant / AFP / Job)

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