Can Ali Healed?

Can Ali Healed? - High levels of protein in the urine, swelling of the eyelids, feet and belly are signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, such as that suffered by Rahmat Ali (5). Berbahayakah this disease and can be cured?

Severity of nephrotic syndrome, according to Dr. dr Parlindungan Siregar, SpPD, KGH, Division of Renal Hypertension RSCM Jakarta, depending on the causes and complications. "Most patients with this syndrome, kidney function is still good so it does not develop into kidney failure," he said.

Nevertheless, the longer it lasted nephrotic syndrome, worsening also the results in the long term. "When the results of the examination showed the condition had a five-stage, where the residual kidney function is less than 15 percent, this is an indication of dialysis (dialysis)," explained Dr Parlin, faculty at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

If nephrotic syndrome is caused by infection or other diseases, usually will be cured if the infection or the disease cured. "If due to diabetes, huh lowered blood sugar levels, is essentially directed treatment to reduce symptoms and prevent complications," explained Dr Parlin.

When caused by immunological factors, your doctor will give a immunosuppressive drugs to suppress immune reactions. Other treatments include low-salt diet and diuretic drugs to control fluid retention and prevent swelling.

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