Edit the "Online Video" at YouTube

Edit the "Online Video" at YouTube

LOS ANGELES, KOMPAS.com - YouTube has just added service features so that users can directly edit the video online. With YouTube Video Editor, the name of the feature, the video can be faces made in advance, such as cut, combined, and added musical accompaniment, before release into the video-sharing site.

"Editor is ideal to combine clips into single and short-length video," said Rushabh Doshi Google as a Software Engineer and Joshua Siegel as Google Product Manager in writing with the official YouTube blog, Wednesday (06/16/2010). For example, combine the pieces of tape at a picnic into a video journey during the holiday which has been accompanied by music.

Video editing features can also provide convenience for users who do not want certain parts of recording views of others. For example, this is to edit the scene of a personal nature, vulgar, rude, or recordings which were damaged by shots that do not fit.

Features YouTube Video Editing is a new development-based cloud computing is Google being promoted as the owner of YouTube today. For the moment, this feature can be accessed through the part which is a container TestTube create new features and which are being tested.

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