Banish Mosquito Without Chemicals
Banish Mosquito Without Chemicals - How do you ward off mosquitoes? Use antinyamuk, both in the skin or sprayed dioles probably chosen because it more effectively drive out the mosquitoes. However, chemical based products that are generally toxic, can cause skin irritation, and leave the smell.
To you who prefer the natural way and non-chemical, real fan at home can be an effective mosquito repellent.
Research shows that wind is an effective method to combat mosquitoes and other insects air. Blowing winds will make the mosquitoes can not land on your skin, like a storm that caused the plane could not land at the airport.
Another reason is more scientific, the fan will dilute the inhaled carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound of the most interesting of mosquitoes. The wind from the fan will also make your body temperature is cooler in which sweat, sour, and hot body will attract mosquitoes approaching.
In a study conducted in 2003, an epidemiologist at the Michigan State University using a trap that is placed on the wet ground to attract mosquitoes. The release of carbon dioxide was to attract more insects into the trap. And, the more carbon dioxide, the more mosquitoes.
Using the fan speed variation is more effective to repel mosquitoes, either inside or outside the room.
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