Monkey Meat Trade conspiracy Picked up

Monkey meat trade syndicate dismantled by the police Situbondo. These hunters hunt monkeys caught in Baluran National Park (HTNB).

Couples are Samsul Arifin (46) and Suhaini (46) was arrested and suspected of masterminding a protected animal hunting it. Police secure the two rifles and 30 kilo grams of monkey meat. Results revealed the police investigation, if they are often hunted in the area HTNB monkeys.

Couples were admitted did not know if he hunted monkeys were protected by the government. Catch monkey meat is sold to a buyer who is in Situbondo the price of Rp 15-Rp 20 thousand per kilo gram.

Unfortunately Samsul not mention where the meat was sold. Samsul excuses himself recognized the buyer via cell phone and he never knew the identity of the buyer that the monkey meat.

"If there is demand, we ask that the meat that had been ordered taken in place we set," said Samsul before the primary.

Until now police have not managed to uncover, who ordered the monkey meat. "If you think the suspect in the monkey meat sold to pemesannya located in Situbondo. The meat is used for medicine," said visible Reskrim, AKP Sunarto to, Saturday (13/3/2010).

Police suspected the two men are part of a syndicate hunt monkeys in the area and HTNB longstanding activities. The police promised to solve the case, until the next no more similar cases in the police jurisdiction of Situbondo.

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