A number of diseases Zoonosis So Priorities

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Diseases sourced animals can be transmitted to humans (zoonoses) is still a threat so that the felt need of the National Commission on Zoonosis. A number of zoonoses will be a priority of the commission forward.

Proclaimed earlier, the government agreed to set up the National Commission for Zoonosis. The Commission is continuing and expanding the work of the National Committee for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI) who completed his tenure March 13, 2010. The agreement was produced in the Coordination Meeting Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, Tuesday (23/3/2010)

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and former Chief Executive of ban Krisnamurthi said, there are several priority agendas disease management based animal that is bird flu, anthrax, rabies, and plague. "These diseases were the most striking. We need to get ready," he said.

Prevention key is to increase the public's knowledge about the disease zoonoses and control the disease early on. Outbreaks of disease usually start from the case of small emerging. "If it can be controlled, do not develop into epidemics. Need quick response and the National Commission on zoonoses that are cross-cutting can play a major role," he said.

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