Problem Smoking, PKB Select Fatwa "Makruh"

JAKARTA, - The release of a fatwa issued unlawful smoking Muhammadiyah still controversial. Chairman of the National Awakening Party faction, Marwan Djafar said the fatwa haram to smoke by Muhammadiyah is the internal affairs of these institutions.

PKB itself, chose to follow the opinions and fatwa stating that smoking is makruh law. "Problem was a fatwa haram Muhammadiyah's internal affairs, we do not want to come to interfere. Opinions about smoking various scholars, some say makruh, some say illegitimate, some say Mubah. We follow the makruh, according to scholars jumhurul opinion (most scholars ), "said Marwan.

Makruh law states that an act innocent when done, but be rewarded if abandoned. "Opinion is not unlawful jumhurul opinion scholars," he said.

According to Marwan, makruh opinion is the most moderate opinion. However, he admitted, if judging from the health side, health hazard of smoking smokers and those around him.

"But the social and economic impacts are also very large. If the cigarette factory closed is increasing unemployment, tobacco farmers are also losing money and taxes to the state would be reduced. Because it is better left to each individual to judge," said Marwan, who is also an active smoker .

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