Bilqis Death by Bacteria Malignant Attacked 3

Despite intensive care and underwent a series of examinations in preparation for liver transplant surgery, Anindya Bilqis Passa, eventually died. According to the medical teams, Bilqis vicious attack three bacteria that cause infant mortality this Billier Arteresia sufferers.

"Bacteria that attack the lungs and blood," said the liver transplant team of doctors at the hospital Soemantri AG Kariadi, Jl Dr Sutomo, Saturday (10/4/2010) evening.

Soemantri third mention the rogue bacteria is acenobacter bowmani, klebsiela pneumonia in the lungs and seratia marcescens in blood.

"These bacteria cause decreased endurance, shortness of breath, and heart rate lower," he explained.

Soemantri known as the originator of the liver transplant was added, the bacteria that commonly attack on billier atresia patients. "Almost 40 percent of patients, experience it," he explained.

Bacterial attack, continued Soemantri, which makes medical team had liver transplant surgery. "It takes a long time to prepare," he added.

The medical team has mobilized experts from various fields, ranging from mikrobilogi, anesthesia, laboratory, until microscopic. However, conditions do not improve Bilqis and eventually died.

Bilqis was in hospital for almost 2 months Kariadi. Health condition fluctuates. Several times a couple's daughter and Goddess Doni Ardianta Passa this Farida out the emergency room or PICU.

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