CPNS Pemko 382 2009 Thank Tebingtinggi General Formation SK
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Tebingtinggi (SIB)
Ir H Tebingtinggi Mayor Abdul Hafiz Hasibuan handed SK CPNS CPNS 283 general formation in 2009, Monday (5 / 4) at the morning assembly on page Pemko Tebingtinggi Secretariat.
On that occasion, the mayor reminded civil servant as a servant of the state, must carry out the task properly and correctly. "It should be understood that the civil servant is a servant of the state and society. Carry out the task properly and correctly, without beating around the ngulur time, "said Abdul Hafiz Hasibuan.
Reminded, that civil servants remain responsive to the surrounding environment, such as the poor. As a servant of the state and society pengayom, civil servants must be able to figure that can diayomi in the midst of society.
Dimintakannya, the new civil servant who accepted to live in Tebingtinggi thus easily able to adapt to society. CPNS must also gain knowledge and equipment, knowledge while working.
Tebingtinggi election, the upcoming May 12, 2010, the mayor called on civil servants to maintain neutrality and not be compartmentalized, because whoever becomes the next mayor, will continue to wear civil servant who worked as a professional.
Mayor symbolically handed over to SK CPNS 8 people and followed by a debriefing that was conducted in House Hj Sawiyah Nasution. (S10 / o)
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