East Java Regional Police Hold, Polwil Develop Investigation

Causation Factor mengandeng Surabaya of East Java Police for the development of tax evasion cases. Polwil plans to conduct an investigation on whether there are other tax office for tax evasion.

Directorate General of Taxation is also coupled police uncover cases that make the country lose billions of dollars.

"We'll do the development of this case and will immediately conduct an investigation in another tax office in Surabaya," said Kapolwiltabes Surabaya, Kombes Pol Ike Mapolwiltabes Edwin in Surabaya, Surabaya Flycatcher Park Road, Sunday (18/4/2010).

To perform the development, said his office would cooperate with police Ditreskrim East Java and East Java Tax Directorate. "This case we backed up Ditreskrim East Java Regional Police, and in coordination with the Directorate of Taxes to do development," he said.

Ike Edwin reveal coordination with the Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation to determine the state losses due to acts of the suspects.

"Tax consultant office where the suspects work already walked 5 years and 350 firms handle tax. So we are also coordinating with the Directorate General of Taxation," he said.

The perpetrators take 10-20% commission from every tax money remitted. Forgery proof of this deposit has been made since 2005. During that tax money worth a total USD 943 million from one company were divided for the personal benefit of the defendant.

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