Expensive IVF program, There Solutions?

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - IVF program become one of the choices that couples have difficulties in getting children. However, until now many who complained about the high price of getting a baby with this production engineering techniques. So, what factors cause this program expensive?

Head Clinic Yasmin Kencana Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) dr. Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG (K) tells the expensive hormone drugs that must be taken by the mother to be one factor of the high cost of IVF profram. The reason these drugs are still imported and Indonesia is not yet able to produce it themselves. On the other hand, import duty of these drugs are included in the import duty on luxury goods group, so that the charge 'exorbitant'. "Yes may be 10 times more expensive, very expensive compared to our neighbors in Malaysia, Singapore, especially in Vietnam," said dr. Andon, in his office, Jakarta, Sunday (25/04/2010).

However, dr. Andon not mention the amount of import duty rates for these drugs. In neighboring countries, said dr. Andon, drugs are subsidized. In fact, in Vietnam there are policies that provide full subsidy for married couples who undergo IVF program. This means that this program is served for free.

Related to that, the Government set a new tariff for drugs for the IVF program. This was done so that potential participants tube baby in Indonesia do not flee abroad because of cheaper costs. "We're not pompous. But perhaps the import duty can be alleviated. That's enough," he said.

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