Surabaya City Government Taxes Be Victims of Embezzlement Syndicate

Of the 150 corporate taxpayers (WP) who are victims of tax evasion syndicate, five of which came from city government agencies. However, to determine obviousness, the police had to call him.

"Of the 150 WP handled our clients, five of them are city government agencies," said M Sholeh, the power law one of the suspects, Siswanto told reporters at the Hotel Weta, Friday (04/23/2010).

The five agencies, said Sholeh, was Bappeko, Disperindag, Department of City and the Capital Investment Coordinating Board. Surabaya Election Commission that its budget from the budget were also taxable. "With this calling all will become clear because there are two possibilities that could happen," added Soleh.

The first possibility, continued Sholeh, was the WP did not know if the second possibility is cheated or knew WP, and WP instead asks for help to be made a false validation. If the second possibility occurs then the taxpayer can get the crime of forgery.

Regarding the involvement of people in city government agencies are Soleh requested that the information was dug deep. Sholeh on occasion and once said that in fact the taxpayer does not feel victimized when they are victims.

If they become victims, they should report. If the report does not mean they are involved in it. "These new allegations," said Sholeh.

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