Traffic XL 3-fold rise Pascagempa

JAKARTA, - XL Axiata PT Tbk noted the increase in traffic up to three times pascagempa 7.2 Richter scale in Aceh and North Sumatra.

"In Aceh and North Sumatra, most of the XL network can serve customers safely and normally. Despite the surge of traffic to three times higher than normal days," said Head of Corporate Communication XL Axiata Febriati Nadira, Wednesday (7/4/2010).

XL specifically for telecommunications infrastructure at the scene of Sinabang who do not receive electric supply due to burnout, Febriati admitted his team continues to BTS can still operate using gensets.

XL has 42 base stations spread in Sinabang and West Coast areas namely Aceh Singkil, South Aceh, Nagan Raya, Meulaboh and Calang. While the number of base stations across Sumatra XL reached 4508 units.

"Our team continues to monitor developments in the field and ready to optimize the service," he said.

Bureau of Meteorology and Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) reported an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale shook the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam at 05:15 pm. Earthquake epicenter was 75 km southeast of Sinabang, Aceh, at a depth of 34 km and the potential to cause tsunami waves. (Cash / Gentur Putro Teak)

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