Various Disorders senile Similar Diseases

Various Disorders senile Similar Diseases - The Mayo Clinic's medical reference books mentioned, there are several conditions that have similar signs and symptoms of dementia (senility), particularly on the parents. There are two conditions that are often misinterpreted as dementia, namely depression and delirium.

Depression can cause difficulty in remembering, thinking clearly, and concentrated. There are times when depression emerged in relation to dementia. According to dr Samino, SPS (K), Chairman of Indonesian Association of Alzheimer's disease, dementia may be accompanied penyakti behavioral disorders.

"The longer the intellectual modalities of a patient with dementia will decline, even with interference psikobehaviour form of denial, depression, paranoia, and agitation. It all began with memory impairment," says Dr. Samino. In such cases, emotional and intellectual deterioration may be more extreme.

Meanwhile, delerium an acute state of mental confusion that lasted a while, which are faced by parents who develop lung disease or heart, infectious diseases, malnutrition, drug interactions, or hormonal disorders.

Someone who suddenly disoriented, lose various mental skills, or loss of consciousness are more likely to be experiencing delirium than dementia.

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