Hundreds of public transportation demo driver in Palembang Ricuh, Palembang: Hundreds of drivers and the public transportation or public transportation kernet staged a protest in front of the Office of Mayor of Palembang, South Sumatra, on Monday (21 / 6). They are a crew of six public transportation bus routes that serve the route to the bridge shall, from Bukit Besar, Ladder Tank, Pakjo, Plaju, Kertapati, and Housing.

They also raided a still attractive public transportation passengers are invited to join. Every public transportation still attract passengers caught ordered to stop, then the driver was beaten. Several public transportation almost overthrown by the masses. The police, who were at the scene seemed overwhelmed anarchist action to stop mass. Traffic flows one had jammed.

Action kernet drivers and triggered the closure path through the court of Religious Tourism. The local government plans to make the area a pollution free tourist attractions. Therefore, all vehicles will be banned across the region.

When the masses to see the mayor Eddy Santana Putra for dialogue, had been a riot. However, finally reached a consensus that public transport may pass, but from the side of the People's Suffering Monument. Once an agreement is reached, then disperse protesters. (IDS / ANS)

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