PMI: Yapen Need Help Earthquake Victims, Yapen: Earthquake in Yapen Islands, Papua, has not fully handled. Based on data from the Indonesian Red Cross, there were 2556 housing units were badly damaged. "As many as 4406 people were still displaced," said Rukman Bai, Kasubdiv Response Emergency Response PMI, Monday (21 / 6).

Rukman Bai revealed, a number of public facilities was also badly damaged by the earthquake. Eight units including schools, two colleges, two mosques, and four churches. The earthquake also damaged the port and the installation of drinking water along 15 kilometers.

Considerable damage occurred at some districts, such as Ampimoi, Angkaisera, West Yapen, Kosiwo, and Ambai Islands. Many residents of damaged homes. It makes people stay in the former ruins of their homes. "We need thousands of tents for the pengugnsi," said Karubaba, PMI Chairman Yapen.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of a video news porn actress and organizing the World Cup, PMI Yapen still evacuating victims buried by landslides caused by earthquakes. Of the 17 victims buried, only two people were found. They are workers in the area of Road Trans Yapen.

As reported, an earthquake rocked Papua Yapen Islands streak to seven times. Five earthquakes occurred with a power range from five to 7.1 on the Richter scale [read: Nine Villages Severe Damage]. (Ulf)

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