Three Villages in Isolated Mussel, Kupang: Three villages in the subdistrict of East Amfoang, Kupang, East Nusatenggara, isolated. Residents there had never enjoyed a proper ground transportation for decades.

These three villages are still isolated it is Benmuti, Binafu, and Bitobe. As a result, citizens of the three villages had to walk dozens of miles to be able to carry their goods from the village office. You see, the access road to their village could not by vehicle.

Local governments actually have paved the way in 2002. However, since no maintenance, the road that there is finally broken eroded by rain water and landslides.

Citizens expect the government to repair roads that have been opened in order to improve the economy. They also complained that officials only promise to improve the road but never realized. Job Titueki Kupang Regent promised to fix the roads. (Ulf)

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