Umbar robber shot in Bogor, Bogor: Two armed robbers in action in Housing Legends Tour, Zone Marcopollo, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, Tuesday (8 / 6). In this action, the perpetrators had fired shots and injured security guards in the housing.

According to eyewitnesses, Odon, the offender entered the housing and planning officers to take an official car and motorcycle population census. However, the known perpetrators of acts of security personnel.

Once knowing the action is known, the direct perpetrators of firearms issued a short barrel. Not only that, he also fired shots into any direction. As a result, glass, vehicles parked in the middle of the housing shattered.

Bullets also released on Rohandi perpetrators, members of the guard housing. In addition, the service vehicle driver population census, Odi, and another was also hit by gunfire. "People in fear when the perpetrator opened fire. Especially actors look like a drunken man, staggering," said Odon, eyewitnesses.

Housing security guards, Oboth told, the perpetrators of robbery considered reckless. Though, not too big stature. To prevent the perpetrators escaped, a number of security guards had blocked the exit housing. However, they can still run away after the shooting and destroying locks in a side door housing.

All three robbers shot the victim, was immediately rushed to the Hospital Amelia, Cibubur. While the police still do if the crime scene until this afternoon. Bogor Police personnel handled the case. (Ulf)

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