5 Months Pregnant, Wulan Guritno Feeling Drive
5 Months Pregnant, Wulan Guritno Feeling Drive
Actress Wulan Guritno really enjoy both pregnancies. In addition to re happy to be pregnant, Wulan also felt that her body looks more Drive.
"I still feel sexy, Drive and mantep deh," he said, laughing when found fit to attend the 2010 Awards Panasonic Gobel at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Saturday (27/3/2010) early days.
Dimitri's wife admitted Adilla more confident with the current pregnancy. The husband is also a lot of help when Wulan pregnancy continues to grow.
Well guarded by Wulan is scheduled activity. Cast film 'King' was no longer taking bids soap operas or movies.
"Now more focused ngurusin restaurants and salons," he added.
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