Ahmadinejad: / 11 attacks of 9 September Lies

Liputan6.com, Tehran: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that 11 September 2001 attacks against the United States as a big lie. "On 11 September is the big lie that paves the way for the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism," he said as quoted by Iran's official electronic media, Saturday (6 / 3).

Ahmadinejad also described the air attacks on the WTC twin towers as a complex scenario and intelligence measures. Previously, he questioned the official explanation about the "terror attacks" on New York and Washington launched Al-Qaeda militants which killed nearly 3,000 people.

Ahmadinejad delivered his statement loud when Iran was involved disputes with major countries of the world, led the United States related to Tehran's controversial nuclear program and the threat of sanctions on defiantly.

Ahmadinejad has also been labeled the Sept. 11 attacks as a suspicious matter. He also likened it to the Holocaust by Nazi Germany. As a result, he received harsh criticism.

Domestically, Ahmadinejad also a month-month protest after the re-election as president on June 12 last year. The opposition accused him of cheating to maintain power. (ANT / SHA)

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