Degree of Action, activists in Malang Almost HMI Clash with Police

Demonstrations held dozens of activists Indonesian Students Association (HMI) University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Maliki UIN) Malang almost clashed with police officers.

A war of words occurred when police tried to stop the burning of used tires. But because the number of students more than the officers who numbered only six people, burning tires and the stalemate continued Gajayana Road.

In addition to the police, the students also clashed with the driver almost angkot. Angkot driver hit several students. Angkot it was the target of beatings of students, Monday (8/3/2010).

"The blatant angkot driver said he hit the police officer told us. This is clearly a provocation carried out by the police to us," said Coordinator of action, Samawi told reporters on the sidelines of the action.

This action as a form of solidarity with the secretariat HMI pengerusakan Makassar and urged the police investigate the incident thoroughly. They also asked the police chief of South Sulawesi and the Makassar Kapolwiltabes resigned, after the votes are not able to reduce police action.

"This form of solidarity to our HMI activists in Makassar, burning tires is also a form of protest against police personnel," said Samawi registered as a student majoring in Psychology UIN Maliki.

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