Discover the South Korean Coast Guard citizen's body in the Yellow Sea

Seoul / Iincheon (AFP / Yonhap) - South Korean Coast Guard on Saturday found the bodies of two crew members of fishing boat that sank in the Yellow Sea while returning from the disaster recovery operations associated with the sinking of the South Korean Navy vessel last week.

Authorities identify the body, which was found adrift 50 miles southwest of Daecheong Island, Joseph Harefa (35) from Indonesia.

She is a member of the crew dead fish Kumyang which weighs 99 tonnes, said the Coast Guard. The ship sank Friday night.

Ships are manned nine people, including two Indonesian nationals are part of some authorities chartered a ship to help look for evidence that could reveal karamnya Cheonan Navy corvette ship which weighs 1200 tons. The ship sank on March 26 near the maritime border with North Korea.

Ships registered Taiyo-1 belongs to Cambodia has been detained by the authorities related to the sinking of the South Korean fishing vessel.

Previously, Coast Guard found the body of Kim Jong-pyong (55), the fish crew, not far from where the discovery of the bodies of Joseph.

Coast Guard currently uses helicopters and patrol boats to find crew Kumyang 98.

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