This is Darius, The Giant Rabbit

This is Darius, The Giant Rabbit

Worcester, - Rabbit named Darius is more than a year old, and most likely he will become the world's largest rabbit.

Darius the young rabbit is a large body of his body has exceeded Alice, his mother. Darius, who is now 13 months old is the body length has reached nearly 130 inches, from tip of nose to rear leg.

Darius weight reaches 33 pounds more, which is the average weight of a rabbit that has been aged five years.

Darius could eat 12 carrots, six apples, two cabbages, two bowls a mixture of grass every day.

Darius is still likely to grow even larger. Former pet shop owner Annette Edwards, who raised both rabbits, Darius says he expects to continue growing for up to six months ahead until you reach the most gigantic size.

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