Karzai joined the Taliban denied

Liputan6.com, Kabul: Hamid Karzai's spokesman, Waheed Omar, has denied reports that Karzai has threatened to join Taliban insurgents if he continues being pressured by foreign parties. Omar said the Karzai government was surprised to see a comment that appeared in the media, and do not know where the news.

The Afghan government vowed to fight against terror and against those who endanger the lives of Afghan people is priority number one, Omar said in a press conference. "In that context, anyone who commented like that, do not make sense," he added.

The comments allegedly made against Karzai in a meeting between members of parliament on Saturday and then, as has been reported by the media such as Associated Press and others. Three members of the Afghan parliament from different parties, told the AP, Karzai has twice threatened to join Taliban insurgents if the U.S. continues to push the public to try to end the corruption, cronyism, and electoral fraud.

That prompted the White House said the visit had been planned for Washington, which may be canceled, if Karzai does not stop blaming the U.S. for his problems. (AP / Job)

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