Sunday, Executives Parsadaan Pomparan Simamora Nahumdimana Field Inaugurated

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Medan (SIB)
Executives Parsadaan Pomparan Simamora Nahumdimana, children, Boru dohot ibebere surrounding field will be inaugurated in a ceremony packed with Partangiangan Event / Inauguration scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 2010 beginning at 10:00 am at Wisma Jln Krakatau volcano Gifts / Market III No. 68 Medan.
The committee, chaired the inauguration of the PPA W Simamora SH, Drs Sarif Jinto Simamora (secretary) and Mrs PG Simamora Br Hutasoit (treasurer) suggested that the TD advisor punguan Simamora told the SIB Wednesday (7 / 4).
Mentioned that Parsadaan Pomparan Simamora Nahumdimana new this time around Medan in Medan as a container formed unity Simamora Nahumdimana descent residing in the city of Medan. How many offspring Simamora Nahumdimana still unknown and still being recorded. Newly formed and it's known today will be inaugurated this Sunday Simamora TD said.
It said the managers who will be inaugurated, Advisors, Jhonny Simamora Drs Simamora B, TD Simamora Lieutenant Colonel Retired K Simamora CPM, SH, Simamora J, Major T Simamora Retired, Simamora L, and M Col Simamora Kalmin Simamora (BK5). Chairman, AKBP Ret. Poltak Simamora, SH Chief I and II, respectively, Ir, Hotman Simamora and Gordon Simamora. General Secretary, Drs Sarif Jinto Simamora and BP Simamora Deputy Secretary, Secretary Day, H Simamora (Teacher cockfighting), R Simamora (Mr. Sogar), Drs Maroloan Simamora (Teacher Manurbing), A Simamora (Girsang Matabu), St. I. Simamora ST (King Paimaon) and Bernandus Simamora (Silahi cockfighting), Treasurer, Drs M Lubis. (R5/Rel/f)

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