Rini 'Idol' Rumor Sheila Depressed Hearing-Anji

Rini 'Idol' Rumor Sheila Depressed Hearing-Anji

Since Sheila Marcia was pregnant until giving birth, the figure Anji 'Drive' is always being linked. They say the biological father of children born to Sheila is Anji. Rini 'Idol', who recently dropped out of Anji, admitted depressed every heard these rumors.

"Anyone who is in the position I am with the news in the media like that, certainly depressed," he said when met at the Sony Music offices, Jl Johar, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (6/4/2010).

Rini depressed because every journalist interviewed and infotainment, the question that drove more often about gossip Sheila got pregnant by Anji. Although initially did not want to bother, but as a normal human, Barbie also has a limit of tolerance.

But Sam never asked directly to Anji truth about these rumors. "No, it does not concern me," he added with a high tone.

So did about the cause of her break from Anji, nor because such gossip. Rini and Anji have agreed to keep secret the cause of their breakup.

"A lot of things, not just that alone," he said.

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