Hanging Five Iranian guerrillas

TEHRAN (AFP / MNA-Oana) - Iran on Sunday sentenced to death five people who otherwise do counter-terrorism action, according to the Tehran prosecutor's office.

Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heidarian, Farhad Vakili, Mehdi Islamian, and Shirin Alhamhouli had undergone the death penalty, he said.

The five men convicted of terrorist acts, including bombings of government offices and public facilities in several major cities of Iran.

They blew up a section of gas pipeline to Turkey, and the smuggling of weapons, said the prosecutor's office.

Each of the five men were also found guilty of being "mohareb", which means the enemy of God, acts of the perpetrators of crime punishable by death in Iran.

The five men were hanged in Evin Prison, Tehran, on Sunday, after the Supreme Court confirmed their death sentence. All five have been convicted in 2008.

According to the statement, Kamangar, Heidarian, Vakili and Alamhouli is a member of the counterrevolutionary group PJAK - the Party of Free Life in Kurdistan, which operated in western Iran.

Kamangar, Vakili Heidarian and assist the formation of the group PJAK in 2003, in an attempt to overthrow the Islamic government in Tehran.

Alamhouli recognize that women are on death row has a relationship with PJAK and receive instruction from the group to commit acts teros in Iran.

A representative of the Tehran prosecutor's office and lawyers attended the hearing convict them.

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