Yuk, Control Asmamu!

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Many people with asthma and people have not understood about precisely how to control asthma. One possible cause is the discrepancy between patient perception of asthma by a doctor.

"Our society thinks, if there are no controlled asthma asthma attack. Whereas asthma control is necessary for the long term quality of life better," said Indonesian Asthma Council Chairman, Prof. Dr. Faisal Yunus, Sunday (09/05/2010), at the National Monument, Jakarta.

According to him, asthma control can be done with the Asthma Control Test (ACT). In the ACT there are five questions each with a score of 1-5. If the patient reaches 25, it is considered Total Control.

"Five questions about the frequency of asthma disorders come, sleep disturbances, drug use breath lozenges, how bad asthma attack, and whether or not controlled asthma," said Faisal Yunus to Kompas.com.

Asthma control is useful to provide appropriate care to patients so they can overcome the problem of asthma. "Asthma can not be cured, but when it controlled the same as normal healthy people," he said again.

In the year 2007, 64 percent of the 400 people with asthma in Indonesi not terkontal. Meanwhile, total asthma sufferers in Indonesia is estimated at 5,000 people.

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