Kama Sutra degree Monday Madness
Kama Sutra degree Monday Madness
BALI, KOMPAS.com - Tonight (3 / 5) Kama Sutra (Jl. Kuta Beach) will be exciting clubbing event title with the theme of Monday Madness at 22:00 pm.
Here are the supporters of the event which will appear later tonight:
High Definition DJ Woody Band
Have fun, guys ..! :-)
"Got a clubbing event, concert or movie? Please send emails and pictures to: jakartatonite@kompas.com"
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awwww, and I thought this article was going to be a bit more exciting...
just like this film I made, which gives exclusive new sexual positions such as: "The Waltons", "the 5th leg without the hoof", "the Bunny hop", "The Is it in yet?" and of course "The Fonz"
all ably demonstrated by a host of your favourite animals, in a "you've been framed" style ;)