Anemia Signs Chewing Ice hobby?

Anemia Signs Chewing Ice hobby? - feeling weak and tired are common signs of anemia or less blood. However, in the last few years there was another sign the body of iron deficiency, ie, an uncontrollable desire to eat ice, or called pagophagia.

Experts not know with certainty the connection between the desire to consume the ice with anemia, but suspected ice cube able to overcome the inflammation in the mouth caused by an iron deficiency.

In extreme cases, a person who has not been diagnosed with anemia and pagophagia ice cubes are often found to carry everywhere. Habit "strange" the new disappeared after patients get the therapy of iron supplements.

A study shows addiction (cravings) of ice, either chewed or drunk, a side effect of a weight-loss surgery. Operation procedures, among others, interfere with the digestive function in absorbing iron and other minerals. As a result, one third of patients experiencing weight reduction surgery iron deficiency and vitamin B12.

Another theory states, in people who suffer from anemia because the body tends to heat the blood volume decreases. That is why, without realizing the person looking for something that its cold, like ice.

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