G-20 Closed Meeting

Liputan6.com, Toronto: G-20 summit in an hour and then just closed. Previously the head of the 20 largest economies, met in three sessions in Toronto, Canada, yesterday. The meeting focused on questions of global economic recovery. They also discussed the Builder CO.CC sector reforms such as strengthening the regulatory system and the reform of international financial institutions. In a communique read by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper emphasized the importance of multilateral efforts in realizing this.

Meanwhile, protests against the summit of G-20 back on. A day previously characterized demonstration riots. A number of rioters damaged several buildings and set fire to police cars.

The situation in the city of Toronto, Monday (29 / 6), had calmed down. This is thanks to the strict maintenance of police personnel, especially around the location of the meeting. Until now the police had arrested 580 people allegedly involved in riots that destruction of [read: G-20 summit protests, hundreds of people were arrested].

Police also raided the University of Toronto and had time to catch the 50 people who allegedly was not a student. In this place, the police confiscated the black shirts worn by vandals or "black bloc. Those who call themselves" black bloc "that usually attacks the capitalist symbols.

Elsewhere, the demonstrators rallied in front of the detention of the activists. They demand immediate release of detained colleagues. (IAN)

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