Bargaining with North Korea Ready

Seoul (ANTARA News / AFP / Reuter / Oana) - North Korea on Sunday said it was ready to conduct inter-Korean military talks to menbicarakan problem tengelamnya a South Korean warship but urged the United States to stop its involvement in the case.

However, North Korea (Korea) reiterated its demands that South Korea (ROK) in advance to allow Pyongyang to conduct own investigation verified the facts regarding the case - the requirement that they be rejected sstu of Seoul.

"Our intention is to send a team of our inspectors to South Korea in South Korea as soon as possible if the parties agree and then do a high-level meeting of military officials to discuss the results of the examination tu," said a military pejbat from North Korea was not mentioned by name in one message broadcast official news agency KCNA.

"We still have not changed in our attitude to military talks and membutkikan truth about the case."

North Korea's statement comes just a day after the G-8 leaders condemned the sinking of the battleship South Korea in a joint statement issued after two days of talks in Canada.

Tensions rose after South Korea Cheonan tenggelamya corvettes near the maritime border last March that killed 46 sailors.

South Korea, citing the results of the investigation said that a multinational torpedo sank the ship was North Korea and urged the United Nations denounced the communist country.

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