Pertamina Leaking tank, Contaminated River, Blora: Depo Pertamina's oil tank unit in the Sambong Ledok, Blora, Central Java, on Wednesday (7 / 7) afternoon leak. As a result, thousands of liters of crude oil spilled into the River Ledok and burned, causing a thick cloud of smoke.

Smoke could create an uproar Ledok Village, District Sambong, Blora. Lucky the fire could be extinguished so it does not hang down to the township.

In addition to causing fires, leaks also cause pollution of the river along the seven kilometers. The thickness of the oil floating in the river reaches 10 feet into the river so the color black.

Meanwhile, the resort Blora Police identification team who came to the site immediately conduct an investigation. Based on the results of the investigation, police found no damage depot.

According to officials of Pertamina, the leak occurred because of negligence of duty officer. Before the clock duty officer has been left out his work without the control of the water drainage pipe. As a result, oil will be sent to Depo Pertamina Cepu thrown into a river.

Citizens who know about it, directly in droves toward the mouth of the river to pick up crude oil spills. By using their plastic bottles and glass scratch a little oil. Residents claim it will use oil spill to ignite firewood as cooking fuel. (IAN)

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