Wayang Kulit performances by puppeteer Spain

LONDON (AFP) - leather puppet show with puppeteers from the Spaniards managed to amaze people Ki Nahuel Spain Benefico Bazaar event or charity bazaar organized Embassy Madrid.

Leather puppet show to the accompaniment of gamelan music are "live", who played staff and mastermind of the Spanish Embassy, Ki, Nahuel it uses two languages namely Java language and Spanish, said Secretary III / Social Information and Cultural Embassy in Madrid, the correspondent Krisnawati Purnawestri Desi BETWEEN London, Monday.

He said at the end of the show, puppeteer Ki Nahuel explained to the audience the background of his attraction to the wayang kulit, who studied for four years in Solo, Indonesia.

Ki Nahuel also telling and practicing the method of playing the gamelan, which in addition to varying according to character voices, he also uses a bat in his leg to provide sound effects.

In addition to this leather puppet show, performances of the Spanish also be played by the gamelan performances of the Spanish and Indonesian students, course participants gamelan which opened in Madrid Embassy every Sunday for the public.

Ambassador for the Kingdom of Spain, Adiyatwidi Adiwoso said Indonesian cultural performances by foreigners is a step forward towards a "soft diplomacy Indonesia" in Spanish.

Thus seedlings of existing Indonesian lovers can be developed to progressively introduce more and Indonesia, according to Ambassador Adiyatwidi Adiwoso mother.

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