Detection of Aging Can Starting from the age of 20

Detection of Aging Can Starting from the age of 20

JAKARTA, - Every person must have experience of aging. However, if detected early, you can even prevent the occurrence of old age sick. Unfortunately, early detection antiaging not known by the public.

In fact, the experts suggested that detection of antiaging done in her younger years, ie at the age of 20 years-30 years. "At that age actually the body's ability to produce growth hormone begins to decline," said Widya Murni, experts from Jakarta antiaging Anti Aging Center.

In addition, early detection also allows us to counteract the aging attacks. Because, if detected early, even anticipate them easier. "But when old age difference, deteksinya was too late and the body's ability has been reduced far," said Widya.

Early detection is also profitable patients. Because, from the blood test, can be found out many other diseases that threaten the patient, such as the risk of heart disease, stroke, until the blood sugar. "So, would not be stricken with a chronic illness during old age," said Widya. (KONTAN / Adi Wikanto)

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