Jelang Health Test, RSD Soewandhie primp

Owned hospital Surabaya City of RSD dr Soewandhie Commission appointed as a health test for prospective candidates of mayors and deputy mayors who fought in the next pilwali June 2.

Various preparations made the hospital, began the examination room until the equipment required. Even the conference room transformed into a living heart health tests, lung, and diseases in.

"The percentage is almost one hundred percent of all medical testing facilities and cawali ready cawawali done here," said Kabid Medical Services and Allied Soewandhie RSD dr, dr Slamet Santoso M Kes, to detiksurabaya in his office, Tambarejo Street, Wednesday (10 / 3 / 2010).

Slamet mengungkapkanpihaknya also has formed a special inspection team consisting of medical tests 10 specialists and 10 medical nurses. Later cawali-cawawali couples who will undergo medical tests to tests of physical and spiritual.

"For the body, the couple will undergo tests in the disease, lung, heart, eye, ENT, and dental and laboratory tests supported and radiology," he explained.

For radiology, couples are required to undergo liver function tests, ginjanl, and complete blood tests and cholesterol. After the physical tests in supporting, it will continue to include psychological tests of mental health status.

"The longest of psychology and will be conducted from the hospital Menur team because we do not have," he said.

Slamet hoping to partner cawali-expected cawawali fasting for 10 hours in advance so they can direct blood tests.

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