Fortuner car Moldy 'King' dent Because Tawuran in RCTI

Fortuner car Moldy 'King' dent Because Tawuran in RCTI

Occur in the event viewer tawuran birthday in 2 Strikes RCTI complex area, Wednesday (24/3/2010) evening. As a result, Toyota Fortuner Radja band's guitarist, Moldy, dented.

The incident occurred when Pee Wee Gaskin band gig at the area behind the complex RCTI at around 18:00 pm. Tawuran location not far from the studio 4 RCTI, which is also adjacent to the parking area behind the RCTI.

Without a known cause, about a dozen boys who were watching the action onstage band Pee Wee Gaskin, suddenly turned into brutal. They exchanged blows and threw rocks.

Tawuran did not last long because it successfully suppressed by the security officers and police officers RCTI. After the incident, a number of cars that were parked were damaged, including the Toyota Fortuner's Moldy.

From observations detikhot dibanderol cars priced above USD 300 million it had scuffed and dented in several parts bodynya. Not only was the car's front bumper is broken.

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