Invaded, Fear and Board Ponpes Crying

Invasion had hundreds of local people, administrators Ponpes women Nurul Hidayah I/9A Road East Gadel fear. They even cry when people barged in and blasphemous attitude of the board for this. Residents requested that they immediately go and do not stain the area.

"Patience, sir, mas .. it was packed, just waiting for the freight car," said one manager who pleaded to the people, Rini, Sunday (28/3/2010).

A moment later, Rini then headed to the telephone in the front room Ponpes. Whoever called, Rini was asking for help and love over there not able to provide assistance. Even so, some began evacuating pickup goods Ponpes board.

Frantic nothing helped, Rini cried. A citizen was trying to calm down and hugged him. Rini and other officials were clearing the goods. Apparently people do not care and the damage and tore the curtains made of woven bamboo. Until 10:30 pm, residents were still crowded, and just in case.

Emptying is related immoral acts committed Ponpes founder of M. Imbar aka Shodiqin Mulyono (60). With immoral, 2 santri Imbar ravish young Call it the Wulan (11) and AH (9).

As a result of his actions, residents had invaded the cabin and did overthrow Ponpes signboard, fence and threw the roof praying Ponpes, Tuesday (23/3/2010) evening. And now Imbar been named as a suspect.

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