Depression Natural Mother Allegedly SW

Moedjiati (45), SW birth mother, child 4 years old love to smoke and talk dirty, allegedly suffering from depression. If you relapse, the mother of four children was often yelling out obscenities while smoking.

"My mother was very depressed and SW it a long time. Many who know almost everything," said Muhammad Amin (46), neighbor Street SW in reclaiming No. 12 C found, Tuesday (6/4/2010).

Amin's knowledge, the condition of the mother of four children is very worrying if relapse. The problem, she was often yelling. According to Amin, depression Moedjiati long time ago, before the family was living in Jalan Nusakambangan.

"The possibility of economic factors mas, judging from the condition of his family," said Amin.

Amin added, has become common for local people about the condition of the biological mother SW. Own citizens admitted concern over the condition of the woman. "Poor thing when they saw his condition, but to know how to anymore. We ourselves are afraid to meddle," he said.

Amin also said both parents were heavy smokers SW. Almost every time both of them smoking in the presence of SW. "Both of her parents smoked. SW itself starts smoking from his family," he said.

Until now, advanced Amin, SW birth mother is still taking the drug from the clinic. The drug was allegedly as a sedative for him if a relapse.

Alleged depression was also justified by Mulud Riadi, Moedjiati husband. Everyday man who became Coolie was confirmed, her psychological condition was problematic. However, he is clearly reluctant to disclose the cause. "Yes indeed like that, and had long," he said.

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