Floods inundate Toll-Pejagan Kanci
Floods inundate Toll-Pejagan Kanci
Liputan6.com, Bradford: Toll-Pejagan Kanci which operated some time ago turned out to cause trouble impact. Due to the rain kept flushed for a few days later, the flood had soaked highway access in and out of the Ketanggungan, Brebes, Central Java. Result, the flow of vehicles and headed out of Cirebon, West Java, disturbed.
Floods also soak the village roads, settlements, and plant and residents in the District Kersana Ketanggungan. According to residents, the flooding caused by one of the old sewer water is lost because it was used for the manufacture of highway. Responsible citizens hope to make immediate highway drainage. So if it rains, water can be wasted overflow. (BJK / ADO)
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