Paper Umbrella Painting Competition batik, Semarang: Competition with a paper umbrella painting batik pattern held in the basement of a shopping mall in Jalan Pemuda, Semarang, Central Java, on Friday (30 / 4). Berdatang participants from various backgrounds. From artists to students. They are given the freedom to be creative.

Some participants chose to paint umbrellas with classic batik motifs. Fine batik or batik coastal hinterland. Participants generally modern batik painting style, which is a form of creativity among the younger generation. For example, batik picture of koi fish and flowers.

According to organizers, these activities aim to facilitate and channel the creativity of young generations, who loved the original culture of Indonesia. Batik theme is selected, he said, so they encouraged to enrich batik motifs. "Umbrellas of paper is selected as the canvas so that this heritage is not extinct," he said.

In the last mass, is an umbrella paper umbrellas, typical of Central Java community. Unfortunately, now the paper's position was replaced plastic. Umbrellas colored batik can be owned by citizens, who want to collect after the race. (RST / SHA)

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