Resolve the North Korean Relations with South Korea, Pyongyang: North Korea said it would sever all diplomatic relations with South Korea. This was done by North Korea as South Korea in retaliation for the sanctions to be related to tengelamnya South Korean naval vessels.

Korean Peace Committee, the agency responsible for the negotiations that made North Korea and South Korea, on Tuesday (05/25) to give eight-point statement penanggulan against the invasion of South Korea. The Committee also added that North Korea would abandon all negotiations and diplomatic relations with its neighbor, South Korea.

Besides North Korea also will close all offices of North Korea-South cooperation in industrri center, in the border city of Kaesong. Selanjutanya steps will be taken by North Korea is to deport all South Koreans working in North Korea. Furthermore, North Korea also banned South Korean ships and aircraft crossing the North Korean territorial waters of the region.

The statement was released a day after South Korea revealed that the action would be taken against North Korea related to the launch of a rocket ship that sank South Korea. South Korea plans to bring this issue to the UN Security Council and reactivate the broadcasting of propaganda near the border of two countries which was stopped six months ago. (NHK / DES / Job)

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