Work Environment Can Cetuskan Asthma

Work Environment Can Cetuskan Asthma - Although more asthma appear in childhood, in fact, the inflammation in airway disease also affects many adults. One possible cause is the working environment factors.

Atmospheric pressure-filled jobs and create stress may interfere with health, one of which increase the risk of asthma up to 40 percent. Workers who always brought home the problem is the group most at risk.

The team of researchers from Germany say the stress of work and the inability of a person to relax after work increases the risk of asthma. The conclusion was based on a study of 5000 men and women aged 45-65 years.

All respondents free of asthma prior to working. But those working in stressful environments experienced increasing incidence of asthma up to 40 percent after six years of work.

Work environment that might be considered could include triggering asthma have long working hours, schedules are tight, and uncomfortable working atmosphere. According to experts from the Mayo Clinic, some particles in the work space, such as paint, wood dust, synthetic dyes, etc., also can trigger this disease.

Previously, a study says stress causes the body to release chemicals that trigger allergies and disrupt the body fight inflammation in the airways. Nevertheless, further research is still needed to prove the findings.

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1 Response to "Work Environment Can Cetuskan Asthma"

  1. Asthma is very dangerous and can attack any where and any time.

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