Exit plane Runway in Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa (ANTARA News / Xinhua-Oana) - A United Express flight from Washington DC, United States, out of a wet runway, Wednesday afternoon, at the Ottawa International Airport, Canada, when the plane was trying to land in the rain, so the three people injury, according to local media reports, the CBC.

The aircraft with flight number 8050 carrying 33 passengers and three crew members. 48-year-old pilot and an elderly female passenger suffered minor injuries have been confirmed in the neck, and co-pilot (31) also suffered minor injuries in the leg.

According to reports, both pilots were aware of the condition when they were taken to hospital, and was in stable condition.

The plane was headed to the field of grass but no fire. The accident did not affect other flights, and one longer runway can still be used.

Several police cars rushed to the scene of the accident and still be there when a Xinhua photographer arrived at the airport.

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