Replication Craftsmen Lucky Balls Big Players, Wonosobo: World Cup event in 2010 brought great pleasure for Wibawa blessing, craftsmen replicas in Wonosobo, Central Java. Since one month ago, the order of the flood Wibawa bolamania to create a replica of a football player.

Prestige made his home in Jalan Bhayangkara, Wonosobo, as the workshop. From that place, replica international football players, like Cristiano Ronaldo, Carlos Tevez, Kaka, and a number of players ngetop, produced.

The materials used to make the replica is resin or fiberglass. While for the shape of the feet and hands using a metal or wire. Making replicas also takes patience and precision, ranging from the process of forming the face to all parts of the body.

Replicas of the player's shape is very similar to the original, both faces and uniforms are worn. Replicas were sold between 70 thousand to Rp160 thousand per fruit. You can also get replicas of players in one club at a price of about 500 thousand.

The effort has been cultivated Wibawa for seven years. His work is marketed to several large cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Sumatra.

Within a month, Wibawa earn up to Rp20 million turnover. But if the season as World Cup football fever and the European Cup, could be doubled. In addition to replica football player, Wibawa also make a cartoon replica of a child's game.

Starting from a fad, a skill that is now owned Wibawa employment for dozens of youths in the neighborhood. A number of workers admitted, quite pleased with the effort. At least they are no longer unemployed and earn 30,000 per day. (TEST / SHA)

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