Besurek Batik Khas Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu: besurek Batik is one of the typical crafts of Bengkulu City. So called because the motive bearing Arabic calligraphy. Besurek essentially meaningless inscribed or written. This craft handed down from generation to generation.

It is said, batik was introduced besurek Arab traders and workers from India in the seventeenth century. To be more varied, this time the craftsmen not only write letters calligraphy. But also combines several motifs, such as that illustrated kua niche birds, niche contortion bend nails like ferns, and the moon motifs and the Rafflesia flower.

Unfortunately, traditional batik artisans complained typical batik market difficulties Bengkulu. The condition is feared could turn off the efforts of the craftsmen.

And during this besurek batik used not only among the nobility during traditional ceremonies. These clothes into a school uniform and clothing the local government offices. This diamini Chairman of the National Crafts Council Area (Dekranasda) Armelly Bengkulu City.

Usually a piece of batik cloth besurek sold for USD 95 thousand. Whereas for silk cloth can reach Rp 1 million per stel.

The craftsmen hope, the government continued to help the marketing batik and provide guidance besurek to improve quality. The goal to be able to compete in the domestic market and foreign countries. (AIS)

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