Hendardji Soepandji New Chairman PB Forki
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Soepandji Hendardji officially inaugurated as the Chairman of Board of Sports Karate-Do Indonesia (PB Forki) for the period of service 2010-2014. The inauguration was done by the Chairman of Sports Committee, Rita Subowo in Ballroom Hotel Mulia, Friday (12/3/2010).
"I hope still able Forki uphold fairness in carrying out the agenda of activities," said Rita through the inauguration ceremony.
Inauguration of office of former Secretary General Forki PB is also accompanied by the inauguration of the NT administrators Forki 2010-2014. Previously successful Hendardji rid of two other candidates Gobel and Oesman Sapta Odang in Congress voting on the Forki PB-XIII held in January 2010 and 16-17.
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